Saturday, August 31, 2024

Finding the Perfect Office chair for GamerGirls in Oman

I had purchased a swivel computer chair from Pan Home at the start when I moved into my new house; all my furniture came from this furniture store and I was definitely muddled about whether I should purchase my chair from there or not. For context, I'm a Computer Science student who also games all the time, so a qualitative office chair is of utomost necessity to me, but I didn't want any chair except in the colour pink.

The chair I had found was a kids' pink fur chair, I did find it not to be proper at the very start but I wanted to purchase everything at that time just to get things over with. The pictures below are what the chair looked like, and it was priced at 25 OMR:

I decided that if i didn't really want this in the future, i'd keep it for my dresser instead, but I ended up receving a stool for that so never really needed this chair, it was practically useless. I decided to sell it on OLX (present-day Dubbizle), and it actually sold off!

I got an advertisement on Instagram after that (thanks to algorithms) for my dream chair from AliBaba

This was so adorableeeeee and it has a Sanrio character on it too.

After that I went on a journey to find a proper office chair for myself. So I went to multiple places and furniture stores in Oman for that. Basically my criterion list was as follows:
1. Preferably Pink 
2. Bigger than my previous chair
3. Comfortable seating foam 
4. Ergonomic and supports my spinal cord
5. Breathable mesh instead of leather to prevent overheating
6. Should have the armrests parallel to my taller-than-average office desk 
7. Should have full armrests (connecting to the back of the chair) rather than half

First, I decided to try out Danube Furtniture Store (Khuwair) due to the recommendation of a friend,  I found nice leather white chairs there:

These are along the price ranges of 40's. They were incredibly comfy & big, but I didn't go for it because of not knowing the height of the armrests and the backrest not slanting backwards nor being adjustable. They also had a mesh chair which was really uncomfortable in terms of sitting and foam: 

Next, I visited China Market Al Hail for my chairs, these are what I found: 

This chair was also incredibly comfy but leather, so might've gotten stuffy later on, I also felt like it was shorter than my desk's height, so I decided to raincheck.

I also saw a mesh chair but the armrests weren't full, and the material was very hard to sit on, so it was obviously cancelled. The price for it was also incredibly high for the quality offered. 

On the side I also found these gaming chairs alongside the office chairs, these are a few samples of these: 

They were very hard to sit on again and the pillows were more of a barrier rather than a means for comfort. and, they looked incredibly ugly.

My next stop was Lulu Hypermarket. They have discounted chairs and always have cheap but qualitative stuff, so I headed over to Avenues Mall Lulu, and this is what I found:

In 39.9 OMR price, discounted from about 50's, a black leather chair. Well obviously the colour was a very big dealbreaker but I knew that during my search, I should lower my expectations in finding a PINK chair that's comfortable as well.

It was very comfortable to sit on, better than the previous leather chairs, and the quality of the leather also felt better. I guess I was like 70% onboard with buying it but I wasn't sure if the height of the armrests equated my table's height. 

The next day I decided to go a little farther away from where I live, to Khoudh, to see the chairs they have. I took my friends with me and we planned to stop at this gaming shop 'Mobpcom' that I saw this flyer from and then head to Home Centre:

My thoughts on these chairs was that the price was pretty good and the chairs look okay too, but they don't have it in colour pink, half armrests and they look very dull. 

However I was like, it's worth a try, doesn't hurt to look since I'm in the area. When we headed there, this is what we saw: 

The only chair in the shop, PINK coloured office/gaming chair with FULL armrests, WHITE and little BLACK accents (exactly the accents in my room), with FOOTREST, the ability to RECLINE as further back as you want, with ADJUSTABLE HEIGHT that's actually equivalent to my DESK'S height (29 inches) (which until now is the tallest office chair that I've seen from my surveys), it is also made from BREATHABLE MESH instead of leather. 

I couldn't believe my eyes, this was like a dream chair just waiting for me solely in the shop by itself. It literally fulfilled each and every criterion that I had wanted in my office chair, I never expected to walk into the first small gaming shop and find the chair that fits everything, it was really the biggest coincidence ever. 

I thought about it for a little while though, maybe the foam wasn't too comfy or i'd have an issue later, but then I decided to just go for it, the pros outweighed the cons in every way.
This is how it looks in my room: 

It literally fits my scheme in every single way, and I absolutely love how it looks. It might've not had a Sanrio character on it but I feel like the solid simplicity of it is what helps it look mature and more put-together in my room. 

It's the best purchase I've ever done, and if there are any gamer girlies in Oman who somehow want to get an amazing gaming chair, this is the place to go to. I do know that the demographics are extremely minuscule, but I do hope this reaches the right audiences.

Feel free to contact me for any queries, till next time~

UPDATE: I've found more chairs after my purchase in case these might help you guys later!

This one ^ has a beautiful pink colour to it but I don't know the price. Instagram: og.sstore
This one ^ has a good quality chair for a cheaper-than-market chair with good ergonomics. Instagram:

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

A Little Bit of Self-Reflection (Gratitude & Undermining Issues)

 It occurs to me as I go about my day, almost everyone around me seems to be suffering and dealing with their own battles in their own ways, when I think that these sorts of tiny challenges are only faced by me,  but that couldn't be further from the truth really.

 However I do want to add that no matter how small or big the battles of these people get, my own problems should never be dismissed or brushed-off in the process, because my problems are just as valid as theirs. Even though I have different blessings and things that make me "better-off" than my peers doesn't negate the worth of my issues. 

I've seen multiple posts saying that "Oh, your work is so tiring? Some people don't even have a job" or "Oh, you feel lazy going to the gym? Some people don't even have the health to go there". While a lot of these posts try to instill gratitude into their readers, some of them have a very counterproductive effect being that the alleged problems like laziness and stress due to work/gym/social circle/family are all very true and VALID. 

I am not gonna lie, I have myself been in the place of undermining people's stressors and worries just because I used to say that "oh atleast they have x and y that I don't have". I used to frown upon friends crying over their exes or complaining about how two-faced their peers are, saying that 'oh atleast they're rich and good-looking with a lot of connections, why should this be such a stringing problem to them, they should be more grateful'. This is why I was very judgmental of a lot of the people back in my teen years. I never gave them the validity of their own problems, never thought that their problems were 'real', and even though I harbored these feelings internally, it ended up being my downfall because your thoughts show on your face sometime someday. 

I've learnt to extinguish toxic thoughts about people - or atleast try my best to, and although I might still be guilty of crawling back to my old tendencies from time to time, I try my best not to let it take over my dominant mind. 

I won't brush off people's problems just because they have other 'blessings' or things to be grateful for, everyone's problems are REAL and matter, no matter how they experience them.

 Some are already sailing on the journey and experiencing the turbulences and crashing tides along the way, while they might've started sooner, others might start their journey way later but still experience a smooth voyage to their destination - or not, and both cases are completely fine. Everyone has their own predestined fate and time written down for them, don't be sulking just because their time happens to be before you, you'll have your time too <3 

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

The Effect of Divorce on Children: an Interview-based Report


Divorce, figuratively the fission of one combined heart back into two separate ones and quite literally the termination of a marriage contract between a couple. This is very easily done when there is just a couple involved, however things get more complicated if there are offspring out of that specific wedlock. This phenomenon splits the family members apart, throwing everyone into a disarray, and children specifically do not know how to cope with this sudden change. It is widely known that the offspring of divorced couples tend to lead a harder life than their counterparts from happily married parents. I believe that parents should only divorce if their misunderstandings prevent them all from living a harmonious life. In this report, we investigate how drastically the parental divorce of two participants affects them. We have interviewed two different participants for our research, both males. One is a 17-year-old boy from Denmark who has also lives there, and he studies innovation in college, we shall call him participant A. The other one is 21 years old, Omani by birth but had moved to Tanzania after his parents’ divorce, and he currently studies in HTC in Oman, this one is participant B. I chose these participants to specifically amplify the differences in the effects of parental divorce on different nationalities whilst keeping the genders constant. These specific questions were asked to find out the way that these people lead their lives now and their opinions on the matter so that we would get the basic insight of their thinking process.



Children from divorced parents have a different pattern of growing up in comparison to children from married couples, and it is important to investigate these factors as we could be able to tell just how much stress is placed upon a certain student’s shoulders, or how overwhelmed he/she feels, it could also be an indicator of decreasing performance academically and psychologically, as well as their interaction with their peers. Children that undergo this unfortunate stage in their lives have no idea what to do and are often distraught, but some rebound faster than others to their new lives. Opposers of divorce may proclaim that staying together for the sake of the children gives the child exposure to both the parents while growing up. This point may have some merit on the surface. However, many children actually appreciate the fact that their parents are free of the shackle that binds them together as they are able to live in a less contentious environment and thus more able to focus on their lives, this is highlighted by participant A as he says: “The children can also feel the unhappiness off the couple”. There has found to be a certain relief accompanied by children at the event of their parents’ divorce as it denotes less arguments and yelling in the house. From a functionalist perspective, the main function of divorce happens to be the separation of two individuals which are incapable of living together as a couple thus throwing the children into a frenzy and incapable of fending for themselves in the outer world, but from a conflict perspective, we get to note that children from divorced families tend to stand up on their feet earlier than the children from married couples and therefore have more refined leadership and independent skills, they’re also capable of making quicker and wiser decisions, and also mature more quickly. This statement is further concurred by participant B, according to whom, moving to Tanzania made him a better version of himself rather than staying in Oman. Participant A also states that: “I also got more of a sense of responsibility in terms of making plans for the family”. In terms of the effect of divorce on both participants, participant A claims that he is more affected by the divorce than participant B, and says that it caused him to feel more alone, contrarily, participant B says that he’d travelled with his mother to Tanzania with his mother who remarried, and so he didn’t really feel the effects of divorce that harshly. This tells us that children feel more lonely and negligent after the divorce and feel like nobody would care about them If they don’t care about themselves first. In terms of sibling bonding, participant A claims that he developed a more responsible stance towards his younger brother and gave up just looking at him as “a person that lives in the house that I can tease whenever”, as for participant B, his bond with his brother never changed whenever they re-met each other, and they also never argued and just had fun times with each other.



All in all, I believe that divorce should be executed if the differences surpass the compromises. Surely divorce has lasting effects on the children but some do rebound and eventually view life as normally as their peers, in addition to a few divorce hurdles like transportation, accommodation and academic performance. Parents can make their divorce much easier on their children by establishing a proper moving schedule, giving them consistent discipline and engaging in their academic life actively. Divorce should not be a means isolation for the family, but rather a split of hand in managing the family in a much more amicable way.




·       Morin, A. (2021), The Psychological Effects of Divorce on Children, LCSW, Very Well Family, Retrieved from:

·       What are the effects of divorce on children, Retrieved from:,being%2C%20and%20deteriorating%20health%20signs.

·       Stephens, C. (2020), 10 Effects of Divorce on Children and helping them cope, HealthLine, Retrieved from:


·       The 17-year-old Danish male is participant (A)

·       The 21-year-old Omani-Tanzanian male is participant (B)


1.    How has growing up without parents affected you?

Participant (A): “You learn a lot of different things, like to be on your own more and to travel between your parents, get more of a choice, more decision making, which is inhibited in children with married parents who are being spoon-fed and they don’t get to make their own choice a lot. You’ll get help from your parents and others, but you are forced to grow up quickly.”

Participant (B): I have my mum and my dad but they divorced and when they divorced I was six months old and my mum took me to Tanzania with her and I wasn’t in contact with my dad for a while so, instead my mother remarried a bit later and during my childhood I just had my mum and she was enough for me and later on I also got a step dad I never felt like something was missing and I never held anything against my real dad. I know that divorce is a very sad occasion and there’s not something happy about it but generally in my perspective I never really had any bad vibes about it.”

2.    Do you think parents should set aside their differences and stay together for the child’s sake?

Participant (A): “Nearly every single couple that thinks about divorce rethinks their decision for the sake of their children, but in the process, they end up getting more problems and hating each other more and more, is experienced by me too, and that my parents wanted to live together until they found their own place but they just kept yelling at each other, so dad had to move out at his mum’s for a year till he could move out. The children can also feel the unhappiness off the couple.”

Participant (B): “I think a very important thing for them to consider before they make any big decisions like staying together or breaking apart because their children’s well-being is one constant and their happiness and their ability to like stay together that’s also another factor.”

3.    How is your relationship with your siblings after the divorce?

Participant (A): “Divorce did affect our relationship. My relationship with my brother changed a lot, before the divorce I just thought of him as a person that lives in the house, a friend that you could tease and annoy, but after the divorce, he became more of a responsibility, and I started to care more for him, especially when I had to travel back and forth to my dad’s place, I had to set him up as well on the train 1.5 hours, and whenever he’s sad about something, I have to talk him out of it instead of my parents.”

Participant (B): “My real brother I never got to talk with him a lot because he stayed away with my dad while I stayed with my mum so I never got in contact with him but when we did, his my brother at the end of the day and I’m his brother so we always get together and we never argue, we always had a good time whenever we are around each other it was a thing before that and it’s the same right now so we are on good condition.”

4.    How has your parents’ divorce affected your friendships?

Participant (A): “It hasn’t had a big change in terms of hangouts and meetups with my friends, because I only had to visit my dad once a week, but there was a little impact of weekend plans, so I would have to time my meetups because of going to my dad’s place, so I couldn’t get to lots of parties and hangouts. Emotionally and in terms of making friends, it made me more aware of myself and secure, and I knew what to do along with being more confident, I also got more of a sense of responsibility in terms of making plans for the family (being the eldest) as my mum also started asking me more questions of whether they should do this/that along with projects, and I developed leadership skills too as a result and so started leading my friends too. I also started getting more caring about my dad and my dad was struggling with depression and he really was appreciative to me being there for him, and it really showed me that I could impact adults even though it seemed very unlikely as a child but you started to realize that too.”

Participant (B): Like I said I was never really connected with my dad for a long, I guess that is one of the things that I might have missed out because of the divorce, but the most information that my friends knew were that my parents were divorced, and that’s also the most information that I need.


Friday, April 2, 2021

My observation on gender communication


As I observe my parents daily as they go about with their days, I seem to take notice of their little affectionate gestures and conversational patterns with each other. Women and men have different conversational patterns and chronological sequence, as well as different varying topics that both like to talk on.

It’s a wide generalization that men talk lesser than women, from what I’ve seen in my parents, that is true and I can confirm it. As for the topics on which both chat on, my mother usually fixates on topics that center around her childhood, friends, fantasizing about her children’s bright futures, home décor, celebrities, food, music and big headlined news only. My mother’s conversational style is very one-sided and narrative-like instead of discussion-like. My father on the other hand tries to evoke more of discussion-based topics like politics, general news, currency rates, history, policies, etc. To make this observation clearer, I will pick the example of the topic of The deadly Covid-19 virus. Both of them equally cared about the number of deaths worldwide and in Oman, however my mother then diverted her concern to travel and visits, while my father was more worried about the business and marketplace. Another trait that I’ve noticed is that my mother is more responsive to my father’s convos than he is to her narratives. Granted that my father’s topics are more discussion-based, but is it right to only reply when there’s a discussion rather than a narrative? That’s another branch that I’d like to investigate more on.

 As for the interaction between my parents and us children, my mother opts to open up more emotional topics than practical ones, and talks about the same topics as mentioned above along with advising. Our father tends to instill a passion of learning about the world more in us by randomly giving us information about new events, new exchange rates, eye-catching headlines and industrial changes.

The generalization that women like to talk more, and men prefer action than words, is not a claim that I can relate to or shrug off. Mutual communication is important firstly in a couple, and my parents perfectly apply that by communicating with each other before taking actions, for example, missing grocery, buying a new house piece, sealing off business deals. Both believe in talking about it to each other instead of just acting on impulse. The only time that they do take actions on impulse is when the other isn’t available or when they’re mad at each other. Talking helps to clear out so many misunderstandings and is an important asset in any functioning and healthy relationship.

As for the other stereotype of women showing more emotion than men, in this case, it is indeed true. For the emotion of anger, my mother is more hot-headed than my father. In playfulness, my father is the one seen being more jolly on a daily basis, My mother although does have her moments of playfulness and goofiness on certain occasions. In terms of sadness, both of them do equally get sad but my mother is more prone to showing it than my father, which goes hand-in-hand with women showing more emotions, because of the pressure on men to be more indifferent to emotions in order to appear manlier.

All in all, gender communication has been a subject of study for years, and whether it’s formed by nurture or nature is still being debated. Societal pressure acts upon different individuals of the society, though in this era, many have broken free of it and do as they please, this will allow sociologists to have a much more concise and accurate experimentation on gender studies.

Friday, January 1, 2021

My Review of Abzurdah


I just watched the new Spanish Netflix movie Abzurdah, with a Rotten Tomatoes rating of 5.4/10. It came with the raunchy title cover and had quite the eye-catching description, being that a disenchanted and obsessive girl falls in love with a man older than her by 10 years (while still being a minor herself) and eventually begins to fall obsessively for him, till he deserts her which drives her even further nuts till she attains an anorexic / bulimic state. 

The movie has a good starting plot to start things off with, however I really do think that it needed more tracks and music in between instead of going for that slow deep kinda vibe. Although I do notice it to be a growing trend amongst Mexican filmmakers to avoid pitching in lots of tracks AS well as dialogue, showing more of sounds and focusing on the chronological unfolding of the movie. 

I do think that this movie could've make done without excessive promiscous scenes as I found them unnecessary and pointless to the story's plot, unless the movie was trying to paint patriarchy at its finest, as recorded in one scene where Cielo discloses to her diary that it was many days that passed in the similar fashion, with him just laying atop fully dressed and her naked, which goes ahead to imply that she could be letting him have his way with her while she just submitted to him.

It however does address a rather serious topic of eating disorders and their connectivity to trauma and panic disorders as an outlet. When we think about eating disorder patients as a whole, we often think that the patients had some kind of a body dysmorphic issue or that they were getting pressurized by the beauty industry as a whole, constantly telling women that they need to look a certain way in order to be perceived attractive. However, anorexia is not at all at par with the society's beauty's standards, it is a mental health condition that stems from the person's inner self and circumstances. The proof of this lies in a scene where Alejo tells Cielo that he can't lay with her because her breasts are too small and that she's too thin, and we all know that the society consistently tells women that bigger bossoms are what's considered nationally attractive. Cielo doesn't develop this disorder because of wanting to look more attractive but rather because she finds it as a distraction from thinking about Alejo obsessively. 

Her opening a forum and telling her supporters that anorexia is a way of life and that everyone that suffers it is a princess, is an indication enough that it's really hard to convince an anorexic person that they're beautiful just the way they are as they all just tend to shut the outer world off completely and focus on a delusion of 'not being skinny enough'. 

I thought that the movie had a great plot, but character development was essential to it, especially on Alejo's part as they portrayed him to just be a vessel to Cielo's obsession, as a character alone he was incredibly dull and bland. I also really liked how the strictness level of the parents was supposedly high unlike other netflix movies, and this consequentially shows us that no matter how strict parents are, if the child wants wreak havoc to themselves, nobody can stop them but them.

All in all, I give this movie a solid 6/10. 

mucho gustos, and adios~ 


Friday, November 27, 2020

The Perception of Incomplete Sleep from The Transtheoretical Model


               Researchers have been meaning to explore the correlation between health-related beliefs and their effect on the person's health behaviour by designing key models to give them a more vivid perception of the human behaviour. Factors like smoking, unhealthy eating, drinking frivolously, not getting enough sleep, not getting enough exercise, avoiding health screenings and checkups all seem to take a toll on one's lifestyle and behavioural choices, we will focus particularly today on not fulfilling the daily quota of rest for functioning properly (Ogden, 2017). Getting inadequate amount of sleep seems to be a very prevalent problem in today's world, especially with the high level advancement of technology and work load, everyone seems to be chasing the last bits of their sleep and procuring in one last wink before eluding to their daily hectic lives of injunctive productivity. Most people do realize that in order to carry on with their days, it's crucial to get their designated sleep but due to their attitudes and virulent widespread slogans "Sleep is for the weak'' and "The night is young" inducing subjective norms and peer pressure (Agzen and Madden, 1986) amongst the young, to influentially make the most out of their nights and avoid sleeping. They of course do have the full self-efficacy (Ogden, 2017) to control their sleep schedules except for the insomniac ofcourse. Others might think that they're just too good to get full hours of sleep and think that they can carry on with their chores without needing much rest, which is quite obviously a discouraged mindset.

             Getting meager levels of sleep observed from a certain scientific model of The Change Model (Prochaska and Diclemente, 1982) ensues the following revelations; the precontemplation stage which involves an individual not making any sort of sleep cycle changes due to numerous factors like peer pressure and overconfidence in oneself by staying up late to talk to friends of significant other, or simply ignoring all the calls for health awareness and just doing what they feel like doing. Then comes the contemplation stage where the individual could for example notice a sudden demotion from his boss due to sloppy work performance or the failure of a driving test due to lack of awareness, which could give him the wake up call needed and he'd start to consider making a change in his sleep routine. After that comes the preparation step where he'd start making small changes like turning on the night light on devices to help him wind down earlier, meditating, finishing all his activities before bedtime approaches and settle on some light activity like watching a show or reading, taking naps to replenish the sleep deficit, and ofcourse marking an earlier bedtime and trying to adhere to it occasionally. Consequentially would come the action phase, in which the individual fully commits himself to ingraining a new healthy bedtime into his routine in which he receives a solid 8 to 9 hours of sleep required to be able to perform to his best capability, he'd start with having that schedule on only weekdays, and dismantling all the distractions that could possibly hinder him from going to bed earlier. Last but not least comes the maintenance phase in which the individual tries to sustain and maintain this healthy change and thus apply it to every single day of his regardless of it being a weekday or a weekend, and making it completely habitual such that his circadian cycle goes on autopilot to make him sleep on the designated time instead of him having to consciously make an effort.

                 From a psychosocial standpoint, there are a few points that can be highlighted in making a change for the better with a healthier sleep schedule, such as emotionally and socially, the individual could perhaps recieve backlash from his group of friends for suddenly deciding to go to bed early which could make him feel hoarded or inferior, along with that he would also have to cut down on the quota of entertainment that he derives from the activities he indulges in past bedtime, or perhaps the neglection of his partner that would want to stay up on nights to talk to him, however he'd feel inner contentment at being able to be more productive and less drowsy while going about with his day. Financially, since he'd be more capable of yielding fruitful results due to work performance, he'd receive an upliftment and perhaps receive more bonuses, paychecks, as well as possibly a promotion. As for pupils, they'd yield better grades and receive higher praise from their parents. All in all though, it'd have a positive impact on the individual except if they happen to be nocturnal or insomniacs, in which case either therapy or differently geared schedules would have to be allotted to the individual to perform their utmost best. 



-        Ogden, J. (2017). The psychology of health and illness: An open access course. Retrieved from:

-        Steven, D. (2015), What should I do if I can’t sleep: Teens Health Nemours. Retrieved from:

-        Kirsten, N. (2019), 12 Ways To Fix Your Sleep Schedule, Retrieved from:


Monday, August 17, 2020

Story Plot Prompts

While I was in the process of compiling various ideas and devising new story plans for the platforms that I write my stories on, I came up with many random ideas and it sparked this instant desire of mine to spot these ideas get penned creatively by the many gifted writers all around.

1. Plastic Surgery Obsessed Girl (Romantic, Satire)

There's a girl suffering from severe 3rd degree self-esteem issues and inferiority complex, entrusted onto her by a past trauma that she'd witnessed while growing up or the dejection of a loved one, consequently, she dives into the world of plastic as her image of herself obscures further and further as she goes on a frenzy of following myriad plastic-clad girls that had undergone major reconstructions and corrections to their faces or bodies, an idealistic world, the supposed definition of beauty in the society's judgmental eyes, she's just never contented with how she looks after each surgery, and attracts the wrong kind of attention trying to seek a partner, who would only like her for how she looks and the different aspects that she changes of it instead of what she carries behind her appearances, until someone comes along that recognizes her for who she is instead of what she had built her exterior to be, and gets acquainted to what's within her, when she finally finds him to be "The One" and is ready to marry him, she discovers that she has medical complications due to all of the plastic surgeries she'd undergone e.g infections, organ damage, blood loss or just general dissatisfaction with appearance despite her loved one telling her that she's perfect as she is, the thirst to be the best looking which would in turn affect their relationship...

Childhood Trauma, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, and Plastic Surgery ...

2. Lesbian turns straight (Romantic, Satire, Drama)

A teen girl finds herself after crossing puberty being drawn towards females during high school, she finds herself craving for her friends & female acquaintances while they gush about how hot the school jock and the football team is, which of course she finds out of the ordinary as the society draws heterosexuality to be the norm, so she researches her phenomenon online to find out that she's classified with the orientation of a lesbian. That's what she believes herself to be while growing up and thanks to the modern advancements of the era and the help of lgbtq+, it doesn't pose a threat for her to be herself, however she then meets a boy from somewhere in her adult life and starts spending more and more time with him, he knows she's a lesbian so he doesn't have any feelings for her but she starts to notice an incredulous attraction that she can't place her finger on.

kenzie ♡ on Instagram: “happy birthday emi! i cannot even put into words how much you mean to me. ur my ride or die. LOML!!!!!! i love u so much hippie girl☮️☮️”

3. Slave Girl sold to Egyptian king (Alternate History) 

poverty-stricken girl is implanted with the greed and thirst to be wealthy through a deceptive counterfeit pact arranged by dubious friends and thus finds herself banished from her home country to Egypt / Greece / India (any ancient civilization with a long history) and sold in the slave market (can include the concept of time travel too for a fictional touch to the story) and is consequently purchased by the King of the civilization, will she obediently follow all his commands or put up a fight and resist? Most importantly will they both fall in love with each other or just maintain a intermittent master-slave relationship their entire lives?

egyptian art - Google Search | Ancient egyptian artwork, Ancient ...

4. Stellar Shelter (Fairytale, Fantasy) 

You take psychedelic drugs (plot twist at the end) and get transported after falling asleep into a complete reverie realm, and happen to know from your astrological knowledge that you are indeed residing within a star that could be any star of your choosing (for reference, Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B are the binary pair closest to earth, otherwise a simple search on google can elicit many of the names of the stars. So you get transported to any of them and then notice your surroundings change, the temperature dropping/rising, the terrain evolving and most importantly the planet inhabitants greet you and start to interact with you. You can then start to develop a creative plot based on interactions between you and the supposed 'aliens' (since you know, you're the one that's alien to them now). 

5. Seeking refuge within a snowy cottage (Fairytale, Thriller, Mystery, Romance)

This plot hits me right in the feels as I've always been a fan of seeking a hideout from a snowy weather inside a warm little cottage. A girl could be getting forced to marry a suitor against her desire and willingness, enforced to by her whole family, and as she has no resort to do anything as such due to wanting to live her life as an independent, self-reliant woman that wants to create a name of her own within the world, having been always a loner with few family members, she has nowhere to seek refuge. So she runs away from her home and makes it to another city on foot, it's a blustery way as she treads heavily on bare feet, until she stumbles upon a forlorn, abandoned and old cottage, she looks into it and notices that it hadn't been inhabited for years, so she decides to take resort in it till she could think up of a better alternative. She spends a few days there until one day a man shows up from an affluent family, touring the forests and comes across this cottage, and the two meet. Now you can go crazy with the romance here as it's your imagination that decides how the story unfolds! 

6. Transportation to different dimensions (Fantasy) 

Protagonist finds himself forlorn and distraught after several disputes and conflicts in his home with his parents, friends, rivals, etc and so psychologically he creates an outlet for himself to get transported into, you can make up any type of dimensions that you want like a new planet, prehistoric times, the time when the earth came into existence, a completely imaginary superficial scene that appeals to you and would cast you to get writing to no limits. You can include elements of psychological behavior and spark creativity along with it. 

7. Spectrophobia (Thriller, Horror)

You could resurface one of the more latent phobias called Spectrophobia or Eisoptophobia, which is the irrational and heightened fear of your reflection in mirrors. It is believed in urban legends that mirrors carried the trapped souls and superstitious reflections amongst all their demonic fears lodged within the aluminium coating , this genre is a highly gripping one which you can go wacky with, it was also a remarkable concept presented in the theatrical movie: Coraline (2009) in which she finds her other parents' siblings trapped within the perimeters of their house as she rescues them. Highly striking concept, and you can work wonders with this one as you can encompass mental illnesses, insecurities, bullying, traumatic experiences or superficial elements altogether.You can also create a fantastical story using transportation into the realm of a mirror and taking the body of that in a parallel universe, the possibilities are endless! I personally would love to see a story unfold using this genre. 

The Mirror | Reflection art, Reflection painting, Reflection photography

8. Woman fakes death during war (Alternate History, Romance, Mystery)

A war breaks out and soldiers of a team face off a treacherous defeat, they then have to surrender all their bounties and their women to the opposing team, you control one young woman and her family, who is supposedly very fearful of being handed over to the opposing team's men and so she pretends to play dead and her family helps her, she gets buried inside her tombstone but then has to sneak out for resources to stay alive in actuality, until she finds a man that she likes who rescues her and accepts her as one of his own, non-acclaimed women of the opposing team. You can go very creative with this prompt and I'd love to see many different outcomes. 

File:Friedrich Wilhelm Theodor Heyser - Ophelia.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

9. Television broadcast compels its viewers (Thriller, Horror, Suspense)

A new program airs on national TV across all the cities of a certain country, and the shows are highly captivating and indulging, and people keep recommending the shows to their friends,family etc until the whole nation finds itself swept away and addicted to the channel, the channel seems to be dictating some kind of an ominous message (go wild) and only a few of the lonely folks that have kept their distance from human beings and don't have many friends or have their families passed away and neither watch as much television, remain cluttered in their houses, as word reaches out that watching that TV channel might be dangerous, the folks gather around into one house and try to work together to help each other survive and to tackle humanity's addiction to the channel, in the process they make new friends with each other and share all their spare time activities with each other to benefit one another.

10. NPC's perspective (Satire, Drama) 

You all know how whenever you open that book or movie, you evidently find the distinguishable protagonists that just appear to have some specific extraordinary abilities as the narration of the story unfolds around them as they go about trying to find their brute of a romantic interest in high school being the demure shy girl, now you can twist this around, go wild, take a completely ordinary girl, quite possibly one of the mean girl bullies or the typical school girls witnessing some exceptional romantic story between two nerds or the nerd and the jerk, etc, the thing is, you can go free with this concept as you have a different everyday person's perspective so you could be able to throw in your own opinions and tell the story in from your own point of view. 

Abstract Blur People Background Stock Photo (Edit Now) 712425751

And that's it for some brilliant ideas that you can incorporate into your own original story ideas or they could just help get the ball rolling, looking forward to seeing your entries.