Tuesday, June 21, 2022

A Little Bit of Self-Reflection (Gratitude & Undermining Issues)

 It occurs to me as I go about my day, almost everyone around me seems to be suffering and dealing with their own battles in their own ways, when I think that these sorts of tiny challenges are only faced by me,  but that couldn't be further from the truth really.

 However I do want to add that no matter how small or big the battles of these people get, my own problems should never be dismissed or brushed-off in the process, because my problems are just as valid as theirs. Even though I have different blessings and things that make me "better-off" than my peers doesn't negate the worth of my issues. 

I've seen multiple posts saying that "Oh, your work is so tiring? Some people don't even have a job" or "Oh, you feel lazy going to the gym? Some people don't even have the health to go there". While a lot of these posts try to instill gratitude into their readers, some of them have a very counterproductive effect being that the alleged problems like laziness and stress due to work/gym/social circle/family are all very true and VALID. 

I am not gonna lie, I have myself been in the place of undermining people's stressors and worries just because I used to say that "oh atleast they have x and y that I don't have". I used to frown upon friends crying over their exes or complaining about how two-faced their peers are, saying that 'oh atleast they're rich and good-looking with a lot of connections, why should this be such a stringing problem to them, they should be more grateful'. This is why I was very judgmental of a lot of the people back in my teen years. I never gave them the validity of their own problems, never thought that their problems were 'real', and even though I harbored these feelings internally, it ended up being my downfall because your thoughts show on your face sometime someday. 

I've learnt to extinguish toxic thoughts about people - or atleast try my best to, and although I might still be guilty of crawling back to my old tendencies from time to time, I try my best not to let it take over my dominant mind. 

I won't brush off people's problems just because they have other 'blessings' or things to be grateful for, everyone's problems are REAL and matter, no matter how they experience them.

 Some are already sailing on the journey and experiencing the turbulences and crashing tides along the way, while they might've started sooner, others might start their journey way later but still experience a smooth voyage to their destination - or not, and both cases are completely fine. Everyone has their own predestined fate and time written down for them, don't be sulking just because their time happens to be before you, you'll have your time too <3 

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