Sunday, August 13, 2017

Top 3 Own Conspiracy Theories

Here is a list of top ten conspiracy theories that I have made up that would really make you question the facts that you have learnt about from the start. No one is stupid when they speak out their conspiracy theories, they simply express what they feel like might be true on a minute percentage, so is the case here. I know the actual 'truth' and that's what I'll keep believing in unless there's proof for otherwise.

1) That the world is just a simulation for you.

Whoever you interact with and whatever you see is all staged for you only. It's like a highly professional movie that you are in and everyone around you is a very qualified actor and they know that they have to create good and bad scenarios for you so that you don't suspect a thing, all the news, all the relationships you have, celebrities, people you've seen, events, everything is staged for you to believe in. Your past, present and future is all lies.

Everyone knows what's up, they know that they're fooling you in a very clever way, you believe everything you see in front of you, but nothing is true. The truth is that you're just idly standing in a black surrounding, your eyes closed and all that's happening right now since the moment you left your mother's womb is a world that's made just for you.

Nothing is real except you.

2) Space isn't what you believe it to be. 

Yes, yes I know what you're about to say, you'd probably say that there's hundreds of real life photos of the galaxy, planets, meteorites and science has backed up all of their existence.

But how can we guarantee that all the pictures you've seen of space are real? The people that have travelled to space are 563 (Evidence from Google) , they might all be part of the game and told to only say what should be said, the usual and not the truth.

The telescope might have a very intelligently made film that moves wherever you point it to, and the shapes of outwardly floating objects around the world we live in called 'planets' have only recently been brainstormed by the NASA to be round rocks that have certain temperatures and conditions, look a certain way inwardly and outwardly, and have programmed all satellites that are sent outside the earth to send back these pictures in a different form or from different angles. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto (If it's considered a planet any longer) are all hoaxes that have been thought of by NASA.

The moon landing by Neil Armstrong is fake. That is because firstly, there were no stars in the sky like we are led to believe. Secondly, the flag started to wave, but how's that possible when air particles don't exist in space? Also in Neil Armstrong's helmet, you can see stage light hanging from the roof. There are also shadows going everywhere in different directions but the only main source of light should really have been only the sun itself.

We might not know the reality of what exists outside this earth, but whatever we've been taught of to exist, are all a deception to everybody on the earth to lead them to astray from the truth.

3) All the terrorist groups planting explosions and killing people are actually distractions to a bigger event about to unfold.

ISIS, KKK, all of their attacks and miseries that they have occurred throughout the years are actually just distractions and they are to be thought as the worst things possible now, taking our minds off the fact that there might be a far bigger trouble brewing up somewhere in the depths of the world, like a nuclear bomb that'd wipe off the entire world, or the creation of a full fledged monster

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