Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Review of Vatika Hair Mayonaise

                                  Image result for vatika egg and mayonnaise hair mask

Day 1

I followed the directions of use on the label behind the container, and applied QUITE generously, coating all my hair strands from the ends and my scalp, but what I didn't do was leave it on for 3 minutes, rather I left it on for about 20 minutes because of the lazy bum that I am, and frankly I thought that it'd work its magic far more the longer I left it on.

Now for the results:
This is actually the worst thing ever, just when I was applying it, there was initial hair fall which i thought should happen because of shedding at application, but then in the shower itself I pulled out gollops of hair again and again while brushing there was MORE HAIRFALL THAN WHEN MY HAIR WAS ACTUALLY DAMAGED AND MALNOURISHED! Blimey! Who would've thought a "Hairfall control" product actually promotes hair fall? I was really shocked and filled with regret at my purchase of 12,021 AED, a serious waste of money, but I am not going to stop using it, this is only day 1 and I can't conclude anything just yet, so hang on fellas and bear with me, I'll update this after a week.

Day 2

So this time I decided to actually follow what the product said and put on the hair mayonnaise for approx. 3 mins (which actually went to extend onto 5 mins), and unfortunately the results weren't any better than before, although I did notice a slight improvement, it feels very damp and nice when you first put it on but after the shower is where the trouble starts, lots of hair fell out in the shower itself, and this isn't shedding because I am maintaining a routine where I rotate all my hair care every shower, and I started with this Hair Mayonnaise, second round I'd do oiling, thirdly I'd do the conditioner, and the results aren't bad at all with them, your hair might feel soft in the shower when you wash away this product from your hair but then when you comb it afterwards, there's a hell lot of tangles and in a mess. But maybe I'm concluding this product still a bit too early, let's see what day 3 has to say.

Day 3

I did do a better job with the timing this time as I ended it at exactly 3 mins but then i took an additional 4 mins to get the shower ready, which means I took 7 mins again in total, but the product wasn't as bad as I made it to sound in the first two days, but it's still not a miraculous life-changing product either, it made my hair smoother and made my curls more well defined than it was supposed to be but that's about it, all the false claims about it clearing dandruff off and yadda yadda wasn't exactly true in practice, I'd say this product isn't worthy of its price, and don't recommend it upon anyone as there are so much more finer products in the market that are actually worth their price rather than this.


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